The Prime Minister made a speech dubbed by many as “Munich 2”, a title that echoes his landmark 2011 speech on extremism at the Munich Security Conference. In this speech, he set out his determination to tackle, head-on, what he called the struggle of our generation. He rightly went on to name and shame the political ideology that is Islamism, likening it to fascism and communism – something that we at Quilliam have been doing for a while now. And, crucially, he went to pains to ensure that he was not branding all Muslims as followers of the ideology, differentiating it from Islam the faith.

Critically, his five-year plan goes beyond solely addressing violent extremism; it acknowledges the need to tackle the phenomenon “irrespective of whether it is violence or non-violent,” recognizing that non-violent extremism can be a “huge social harm,” even if it doesn’t cause physical damage. This is a crucial step forward in the government’s approach to counter-extremism because it recognizes the complexity of the extremism problem and its very real potential to negative impact on society, regardless of whether this impact is “terrorism” or otherwise.

As part of this increasingly comprehensive approach to counter-extremism, the government will have to fine-tune its strategy on entryism – the infiltration of extremist ideologies into vulnerable institutions – something that the Prime Minister alluded towards. This is an important issue that has been both underestimated and ignored by previous strategies.

As was made clear, the strategy will focus on tackling extremism in institutions such as schools and universities and ungoverned spaces like the Internet. These are all arenas known to be particularly vulnerable to infiltration by non-violent extremists and are places that have, in the past, provided them with a platform to influence and draw young people into the radicalization process, as has been the case in the past, with terrorists like shoe-bomber Richard Reid. The Prime Minister’s strategy must tackle entryism in these institutions and sectors. There must be increased support and assistance, on the one hand, and governmental intervention through entities such as the Charity Commission on the other.

It is the responsibility of educational institutions to promote British values and teach children and young people to “respect difference and challenge intolerance.” Therefore, the strategy must focus on the need to prevent extremist individuals or groups from holding events at or being employed by educational institutions – the Prime Minister was clear on this. Beyond that, though, it must extend the current whistleblowing and complaints procedures to enable parents, teachers, and governors to report concerns regarding extremism quickly and easily.

The Internet, another of the key themes of Cameron’s speech, presents one of the most vulnerable places for entryism. It is a highly unregulated, ungoverned space that is freely accessed by millions of people on a daily basis. Whether we like it or not, it is also a space that is flooded with extremist content that, while it is often not illegal under UK law, is unambiguously opposed to British, liberal values.

Regardless, the government’s ability to intervene is impaired. Recognizing this, the Prime Minister stressed his commitment to working with, not against, Internet companies, which, he said, “must do more.” In the same vein, Mr Cameron also noted that it is also imperative that broadcasters reassess their decisions to give platforms to extremists – the media has a social responsibility, he said, not to expand the reach of abhorrent ideologies and the profile of those peddling them.

Provided they are integrated in Number 10’s new counter-extremism strategy and do not become lost as rhetoric, these are critically important steps to contesting extremism. In his speech, the Prime Minister’s formed a crucial step towards a more comprehensive counter-extremism policy that not only counters extremist behavior but extremist ideas too. For this, we must commend him.